Sky's The Limit

Shoe Design Competition

Unya’s first design competition is here and the theme is “Sky’s The Limit.” Humans have always dreamed of living in the sky. Whether it’s floating cities or sailing through the clouds, we wanna see your vision come to life on Unyas.

Download the shoe templates below to start creating your designs. Make sure to tell your friends and have them vote because you can win cash prizes! Best of all, your art could end up on some Unyas. 

Check out the rules below and get started ASAP. Remember, sky’s the limit!



1) Download templates below
2) Create Designs
3) Send Designs to
4) Designs will be approved and uploaded for voting on May 16th
5) Vote until May 31st
6) Each winning design receives $100!


1)There will be 6 design winners for both high tops and low tops
2)Artists can submit more than one design
3)Artists can have multiple winning designs
4)The design is for a single shoe not a pair

More Details

Once designs are submitted mock up shoe photos will be generated and sent back to the artist.  The artist can make modifications to designs if needed. Mock up photos will be added for voting starting on May 16th. The 6 high top and 6 low top designs that have the most votes will be the winners!  The winning designs will make up the Sky is the Limit Shoe Collection.

Shoe templates

Download So-Low template

Download So-High template

Submission Guide 

Zip Files contain Photoshop and PNG versions of the templates.  There is an all together template that shows how everything lines up as well as separate templates. Choose which templates best fit your design.